
Gettin over on da man

K, you know how I LOVE to buy things? I do this cause I cut corners on other things like Electricity and am uber cheap and shop at the Asian market for produce.

Seriously.... my Pepco bill is under $30, I don't have a land line, internet or cable. It's like living in the dark ages at my place, if the Dark Ages had kick a$$ shoes, and a bitchin wardrobe. Granted you need to keep your sweater on at my place... but you can't have everything. I'm a firm believer in indulging but NOT if you can't and if it causes financial duress. Plus I really really like deals. Even if I were a millionaire I'd still get my jollies off of scoring deals.

So, here's my good deed of the year, get the Southwest Rewards card! It's worth the $99 annual fee cause there is a promo for 50,000 points - which is equivalent to $500 in rewards gift cards or 2 round trip tickets on Southwest.

I signed up last year and the annual fee was $69, you get the 50k point after you place your first transaction. I bought $40 in groceries... I mean I was going to spend it anyways. Now for $99 annual fee you will get 6000 points on your anniversary (opposed to 3000 points... what I get). 6000 points equates to about $100 for a flight or about $50 in rewards gift cards.... so the card practically pays for itself. The promo of 50k points is worth it alone, even if you don't keep it for a year. You need to pay the annual fee in the first billing cycle then whatever you purchase in the next... (you HAVE to buy something within a couple weeks of getting the card to get the points) but did you do the math? It's like getting $400 for NOTHING.
Merry X-Mas!
Happy Birthday!

The image shows some of the gift cards you can get. It's legit, I scored some cards for Walmart (groceries), Marshal's (for future presents) & Sephora (for me).

Ha!! I win!


it all makes sense

girl time. I'm all crampy and I wanna slap someone.

who's feeling bitchtastic?

*raises hand

Grrrr BRrrrr

It's craptastic outside.

I want to be at home under the covers with a certain canine. What did I do in a past life to warrant working full time? I think it's quite clear I used to be royalty... now I have to work ALLL the time and live in squalor in a building with crazy people that don't pay their association fees. I swear I hear rat noises from the dumpster the other night. It sounded like birds... but it wasn't. I spend my days plotting .....

It's gray, foggy, cold and blaaa. I might buy a lottery tix today.


Lanvin Trench

2012 is starting off great, I scored a stellar deal on a Lanvin ete 2011 trench, normally $1300+ for $400 at the Barneys outlet. I got the black waxed cotton double-breasted trench coat with notched lapels, button slash pockets and gathering at shoulder. I love the crazy spikey, devil horn shoulders. The trench has a self belt at waist and a center vent on the back.

It has a Matrix, Lady Gaga feel. I'm working on my new year's resolution of making bat shit crazy look good. I'm not really bat shit crazy, but I don't want to wait until I'm 65 to be that eccentric broad with big cocktail rings and wardrobe to die for. Why can't I do that now?


Right turns

Why are right turns so hard for people to make? Wth! It's a right turn, you look and you turn. Simple. It shouldn't take five years to do.

Cruise debacle

this will make sense if you are from DC.....

that awkward moment on WTOP when the newscaster briefed on the Italian Cruise ship disaster story to come.... and they played a commercial for Norwegian cruise line.




Dear Dumb Ass,

Redbox is not hard to use. Wtf!!? Grade school children can use it. Holy Crap.

I should keep on typing until this fool is done but I fear my finger would cramp up from typing. People that can't use RedBox should have their licenses revoked!!!


ugh... I want to move desperately.


This is the area outside of my building. The fence is jacked up, there is trash not IN the dumpster but around it. People leave furniture, mattresses, crap, small children there.

Kidding about the small children, had to make sure you were paying attention. But seriously, it's a crap hole. I am hoping and praying I can move the f out.

I'm also hoping that jack wad Ed spontaneously combust and that I win the lottery (a big one). finger crossed.


Ah... the U.S. Legal system

Just when you don't think things can get weirder or people stupider....

I read this article about a woman who is suing the estate of a person that got hit by a train. Yes, you read correctly. Seems this woman was hit by a large piece of the deceased body part and is suing for damages. Okay, I'm sorry your leg got broken and you fell down but geez, have a heart, the person didn't plan on getting hit by a train. Now to go after their family after this loss?

What the hell is wrong with people? I like the quote on another article related to this that said

Apparently, not even death can prevent the system from biting you in the ass.



Is there a gentle way of letting someone know that they divulge a little too much information about themselves?

This is one of my new years or maybe lifetime solutions. How to kindly detract, obvert, or dissuade people from talking about past convictions, issues with bodily fluids, medical conditions and the such.

really. it's unnecessary and creeps people out. Any advice?

holy mother mcgee

Just read an article about a big ass rat found in NY Bronx Foot Locker. Dezam.... that is a monster. Authorities believe it to be Gambian Pouched Rat, you know it's bad when they say 'although harmless, if you see one walk away and call animal control". Isn't that what they say when you encounter an armed assailant or someone on the most wanted list? Mice problem ain't looking sooo bad now, huh? I'll take my measally mice anyday! I can atleast capture or kill them without bodily harm.

The original article is found here.


lazy blog post

Had to update my blog today. First Friday of the year. Yay!

I'm lazy.


Karma Police

This morning while parking my car for work I noticed a truck that was parked in the middle of two parking spaces. Kinda like this..........

but not half as crappy as this

I mean seriously, what the hell. I really wonder about people. Did they wake up and say "I want to be an asshole today", "Today feels like a good day for someone to scratch fuck you into my car", or "I hope my tires get slashed today". Nobody wants to be 'that' guy. And if you do, you're an asshole.

I wish I could right the wrongs of the world one petty vindictive act at a time.


Zombie Proof

Apparently I'm not the only crazy person. I'm actually relatively sane. I know there are no real zombies... there may eventually be a break down in society because we keep raising the deficit and the US dollar will be as valuable as rice. FUCKERS... but I don't really anticipate a Zombie Apocalypse .. a nuclear one yes, but not a zombie one. These folks went the extra mile and have prepared for their homes. I'm feeling a little inadequate right now. I mean, as if my 401k wasn't sorry enough, I'm clearly not prepared for the future.

Zombie House article
Zombie House article two... it's a totally separate house and person... HA!!


Uno, the eyebrow

It's hard to see the forest through the trees, especially if the forest is your face and the trees are your eyebrows.

Why didn't anyone tell me I looked like a sasquatch?! It took me 20 minutes to rectify the situation this morning. Can't start the first work day in the new year looking crazy. Today's public service announcement is:

Friends don't let friends have uni-brows, thank you and have a good day!



Happy for the new year. Although my back is all achey and I feel old. It's all in all starting off well. The last couple of days have been really pretty! I'm enjoying it while it last, within the past 48 hours it's gotten hella cold.

Here's to another year of friends, massages and saucyness.