
Sue your face!

I just knew the day would come although I'm a little surprise the the action is coming from the offspring......  Thanks for nothing Mom & Dad..

Many a times I've mentioned suing the parents of a person suing a corporation or in the legal system.  For instance, people that sue McDonald's because they are fat, opposed to being 'accountable' for their fatty fat actions.  It's a crazy concept I know, but maybe if they were taught that if YOU eat fatty foods, YOU will become... fat. 

No one is forcing you.  and gawd forbid if upon review you have larger people in your family...cause I think it would be fair to countersue the parents, for having a dumbass kid and not teaching them basic fundamental values.  It's a disservice to them and the rest of society.  I digress.

This guy took it to another level.  It sucks that some people have more advantages than others, but I personally believe that the true character of a person can be seen under duress.  That how you deal with adversity will help you succeed in life.

The short of it: anything worth having takes effort, otherwise everyone would have 'it'.


If only the legal system worked this way

Wacky things have been all over the news lately, like the Carnival Cruise poopaster...err disaster.  Or the double amputee speedracer that murdered his model girlfriend?  Um...you are going to wish you were with her when you get to prison.... cause you are cute and can't run no where

Damn.  I went there.

But holy smokes, what about the jackwad that slapped a two year old on a plane??!!  And it wasn't his kid?!!!  WTF, America?  Who does this?  I wish we could sue people's parents, this guy is f*cked up and I just cannot believe there were no warning signs.  A racist bully sociopath that what he is.  I've been on planes and there is that little cringe when crying babies get on them.. but you know what?  They are babies/children.  Plane trips are scary to kids and adults in general, all those people and it's a little chaotic.  Don't even get me started on that ear popping issue - which a baby or little kids wouldn't even know how to do (to release the tension) and gawd forbid if the little person has an ear infection or is sick.

It's a big to do for big and little people.

You don't go around slapping people, ESPECIALLY not kids and ESPECIALLY strangers kids.  Holy shit, imagine if you could slap people, it would be mass chaos.

Hardships come with life, but you don't assault children.  How that hell did this guy get a managerial position?  I'm glad there is major backlash and he got fired.  He will be forever humiliated.  I wish I could slap him.


Bathroom Phone Etiquette

Okay, I'm no Ann Landers but holy shit.

That awkward moment in a bathroom with someone talking loudly and peeing louder then doing a double flush.  I don't care if it's your best friend, kids, spouse, parent.  I know, everyone uses the bathroom and may even be on the phone sometimes, but for GAWD sakes, mute that shit.  I don't need to know that you and your friend are down with some freaky bathroom fetish.

It's bad enough to hear someone else's conversation but to know that the true recepient is fine with the cell/bathroom etiquette disburbs me more.  EWwww.  I mean if that's the shit you 'know' about, I shutter to think about the crap being done on the phone you don't know about.

literally and figuratively... haha.  I made a funny.  crap.


Im fuckin plosion

It's happening.

I'm having one of those days. 

Someone might get hurt and I'm pleading insanity. 


Getting old blows #23

As I was driving into the office today I saw a guy doing calisthenics, the 17 yr old in me wanted to honk the horn. 

But I didn't, cause I'm old and lame.  I thought:
What if I run into him?
What if he is a  client, new co-worker etc.?
What if I give him a heart attack?

It made me sad.  I miss the days of doing silly but inane stuff just for shits & giggles.  When you rationalize doing fun stuff... life is lame.

Like that moment you see age spots on your hand or face. 
When you find a grey hair in a no no spot.