
Never dissapointed

True story.  I went to Big Lots.  If anyone has ever been to Big Lots you know that it's quite possibly a couple steps below Walmart but there are some great deals.  Maybe things are past the expiration date, 'retro', and you seriously need to avoid eye contact with the other shoppers but it's worth a trip.

So, I'm at Big Lots in Vegas (take all of the above and multiply the 'awesomeness' err... optical travestry by 3) and my friend said that after milling about in the store that his kids are A OK.  That they could very well run for public office in comparison with folks onsite.

I'm won't deny, that comparatively they seem like Valevictorians... however... is it really good to have such low standards?  I mean, it's great for ego building purposes but come on.  The folks at the store were a couple Darwin steps short of  chimps... and I'd have a pretty solid argument that I'm insulting the monkeys.  So, do you think it's good to have low expectations to not be disappointed?
Or should we aim for the stars to strive for more?


4 Reasllz?

Okay, catching up on the juicy news while I was busy.

There was a 60 person brawl in Frederick, MD.  The news is sooo funny, they said they are trying to determine the cause.  I've go to put on my thinking caps for this one..... do you think it could be .....

maybe.  ya think?


Beat Carries on

I wish I could say that this week is getting better.  That I ran into Johnny Depp at 7-11 and he asked me to marry him.  But nay.

I have been busy off the chain and continue to get nastygrams from clients.  Last I checked I don't have a latex suit and a red ball in my mouth so I really don't know what the F is up with this shit.  Seriously, I just sent a note to a client thanking them, telling them to have a nice day and that we looked forward to hearing from them... after they bitch slapped me.  It's my passive aggressive way of telling them to simmer down.

Good thing is that I'm losing weight.
Bad thing is because I'm too f'ing busy to take a lunch.

Don't get me wrong, if I deserve a bitch slap I'm straight up about it. But this is some BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLL  SHIT.


Full Moon or what!?

Today's a pretty freaking ridiculous day.  I mean it's barely halfway over, but it's been non stop crazy work emails.  I'm on the cusp of strangling a client.   seriously.

Must control desire to kill.

so hard

I think I will go to 7-11 and score some lottery tickets cause this is some bullshit.  I haven't wanted to whoop someone's ass like this in a long time (okay, workwise.. haha).

In the meantime I heard on the news that New Orleans is rated number 1, for singles for flirting.  Now, I'm no sociologist.... but do you think they took out the variant of ALCOHOL?  Hello!  It's called liquid courage for a reason.  dumb dumbs.


Whenever I'm sad

I like to look on the Faces of Meth website.

It just makes me feel better about myself.  But geez, it's crazy how damaging and toxic this drug is.  I mean it's CLEAR.  Why anyone would knowingly do this drug is beyond me.

I just threw up a little in my mouth.


having a weird long week and starting to miss having my OWN place/space.


Ripping out the ole uterus

actually, when I'm around teenagers I want to stab myself in the uterus and rip it out. 


and it is wrong that I also want to make them sterile?


Rinse and Repeat

Trying not to hurt people.

But I wonder how many times must one make a request over and over again until they can shove their foot up someone's ass? 

It's nothing big, a simple request like pick up your mess, put dishes in dishwasher, flush the toilet when you are done using it.  No, I'm not talking to toddlers, contrary to popular belief I do not sacrifice them to appease the old gods or look young.  I actually like kids.  well behaved kids.
and adults.

but alas.  nothing is perfect.  So I teeter on the brink of homicide and plaster on my best 'sleep with one eye open' smile.