
I'm a prude

I guess cause I don't think it's okay for your kid to have sex in the basement when adults are around (or at all).  No, you are not a brilliant mastermind covering up your tracks with girly fragrance while watching tv under a bunch of blankets.  I might make an exception if said deviant has a job and surely wouldn't give two f*cks if they didn't live here.  But alas.

Actually I'm a prude because it's not acceptable unless your kid is out of college or has a job and is married to that person.  That's just what I think.

Plus we know the most fertile folks are not necessarily the smartest ie: Walmart, Piggaly Wiggaly.  And with my luck....these fools will have quintuplets.

1 comment:

Champagne on Tuesdays said...

I'm married and I don't bump uglies in our parent's houses.