

I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda embarrassed to say I'm from DC.  I mean, it's no surprise why DC can't get status as a state when they elect jokers like Marion Barry, Vincent Gray and Adrian Fenty.  So many clowns and crooks.  I won't go into specifics but you can google stories of crooked DC politicians.

I will mention that Ex Crackalack Mayor Barry, who is a council member (don't ask me how), recently put his foot in his mouth AGAIN.  This time, he was passing out turkeys (which is noble) but when reporters asked who was paying for the turkeys, this turkey said only "liberal white folks" care about turkey funding.  For realz?  I would think any DC tax payers regardless of political allegiance or race would give a shit about how their tax money is being spent.  What the hell is wrong with this fool?

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