
Commuting with fancy pants

Is it just me or does the DMV area have a shit ton of celebrities and high falooting political types or gazillionaires?

I ask because every time I drive anywhere especially 495 there's always a couple jackwads that act as though they are superior and everyone else is in 'their way'.  Many a times I've been tempted to get out of the car and ask for their autograph because they must be really fucking important to tailgate, zig zag and ride on the shoulder as if it's their personal lane.

by the way, I've also been tempted to create a bumper sticker that say's in kinda smaller writing so you have to be close to see it -
"Let me dash on some lipstick before riding my ass.
Tailgaters SUCK!"

Is is wrong that I wish this on asshole drivers? If they want to commit suicide, have at it, just don't take the rest of us with you. fuckers.

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