
Death Penalty

I will be the first to admit that sometimes I'm insensitive bitch. but come on... with the rash of insanity and people shooting folks in public places I got to wonder what the f is up with our Justice system.

Look, I believe that the basis of the US Penal System is good, in fact it's pretty ideal and romantic.  I also understand that some folks have cards stacked up against them from a race and socio-economic standpoint.  So, the burden should be on the courts to prove if a person is guilty.  However, if someone commits a heinous crime and there are witnesses AND there are documents/rants/proof at the suspects house AND they admit their guilt I see nothing wrong with cutting straight to the chase and killing the person.

I mean it's a waste of time and tax payer dollars to go to court and give a life sentence.  When I read headlines on CNN that Jared Lee Loughner is expected to plead guilty on the mass shooting in AZ last year, my reaction is NO FUCKIN SHIT Sherlock.  I mean, he DID do it, he DID admit it and he's fucking looney.  You can't fix that shit.

He needs to slip in the bathroom and break his neck. 

I'm happy that the shooter in the Sikh Temple killings was killed by the police.  You can spin your wheels all day to try to figure out why someone does the stuff they do but you simply can't rationalize crazy.

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