
am I greedy

is it wrong to assume if you put a sign on food for NO ONE to EAT, that no one should?

I mean, I don't want to be an asshole but should I take pictures and duct tape my shit? It's kinda ridiculous because I generally don't ask for much. And it's not like I don't buy food for others, so what the hell?!

What would you do? (issue occurs at home, a teenager is involved, said teenager says they didn't eat my shit. I come from the school of 'go pick your switch', but said tactics can not be used in this environment. I really don't ask for much and am considering botchulism for learning purposes....)

1 comment:

Champagne on Tuesdays said...

Save bags of peas, carrots, etc. Wrap your food in that. Teenagers do not open bags of vegetables.

Totally been there. Of course, I could make life miserable for mine in other ways.