
holy guacamole.

I just saw the Creigh Deeds interview about his mentally ill son that stabbed him and then killed himself.  While I feel sorry that Mr. Deeds was attacked, lost his son and his son was mentally ill I am not surprised that his son didn't get the help he needed.  It's clear that Mr. Deeds loved his son dearly.

It is also clear that he is in a bit of denial regarding this young man having issues (the quote about the health care professional indicating that his son thought he was a demi god.... hello?!!!).  Deeds said that his son was the perfect son, typically perfect children do not attack and attempt to kill their parents.  I dunno.  I also suspect if other people that knew his son including teachers were interviewed a couple of 'black spots' would appear on his "perfect" past.  Generally speaking, it's a rarity that a normal person would go off the deep end.  There are indicators and clues along the way that hint and eventually diagnose mental illness.  Even if he got the help he needed (Mr. Deeds is blaming the VA healthcare for failing his son), what if his son had to be medicated and stopped taking his medication?  Who's fault would it be if he went crazy and shot up a school?  The NRA?  The doctor? The pharmacist?  His parents or a restaurant for not forcing him to take his medicine with his food?

As a society, we need to get a grip on the concept of ACCOUNTABILITY.  There are mitigating circumstances and sometimes background experience that influences someone's behavior but in the end, the choice is yours.  If your mentally ill son decides to stab you, it's his choice, he is responsible and should be held accountable.  I wonder if Mr. Deeds was in denial about his son having issues when he was younger and that in turn took it longer for his son to be diagnosed?  Who's fault would that be?

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