
Muah.. human kind is going down

Okay, so I haven't written in a minute, been all mad crazy busy.  I'm pleased to say that I didn't commit any homicides, I had my doubts but then school started back up.  And now everyone is ok.  Yay!

Anyways, do you remember the Eddie Murphy song about Booty in the Butt?  As luck would have it, maybe this criminal liked that song a little TOO much.  Check it, this fool got busted burglarizing a place and was found naked with a Computer Mouse up da Butt.

EWWwwww.  EW, I say.  His mother must be sooo proud.  Muah haha

Ha, and this dude found out his lady love was HIV Positive, instead of figuring out the next steps for both of them.  This guys was all HELL'S NO, you ain't getting No Sympathy.  He stabbed her dead.  Wow, I mean, I know you are all upset and stuff but damn dude, prison healthcare isn't the best.  Now you are STUCK.

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