

Today's rant is fueled by PMS and my disdain for Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, national traitor and delusional extraordinaire.

I get being idealistic, young and foolish - to a degree.  Go work at a CO-OP, join the Peace Corp or go to Lalapalooza.... .  But don't put national security at risk.   Especially for citizens of the fine fucking country that your family/friends currently reside in.  Yes, the very country that you grew up in, that gave you the opportunity to make something of yourself and provide you with a podium to rant about freedom of speech.  NOTE:  It's ironic that he is leaking information in a foreign country that monitors their citizens internet, phone calls and movement (Hong Kong/China) and is willing to entertain discussions with Russia and other 3rd world countries that DO NOT have freedom of fucking speech.


As far as I'm concerned, Snowden is a traitor and fit to be tied and quartered.  I look forward to authorities finding his corpse in an alley.

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