Case in point, see the above image. I get it, perhaps you have a blog as a personal journal of sorts. A way to detox your soul and life of the mundane existence you have. Or a saucy way to gripe about the ill fashion sins being committed. Or better yet, to document the cute expression of your dog's face when he does something terribly naughty. But if your blog is public - obviously you want people to see it SO if it is used for evil and not good, then them's the breaks. I mean if I posted a picture of myself in high school with Teflon hair and a rad off the shoulder one piece, it's taking a gamble that someone will:
a. give me a compliment and say that I haven't aged a day since Metallica toured with Guns N Roses
b. photoshop my head onto a porn star
c. vehemently make fun of my 'tiffanyesque' updo and bad fashion sense
These are the chances we take. The image is funny because it sounds like some sort of McCarthy Blacklist conspiracy.
Ah, people. Speaking of which. Went to the Renaissance Festival and it was great. I would highly advise anyone with self esteem issues to go, as you will most likely walk away with a grander sense of self. I'll be sure to take pictures the next time to further my point.
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