
Crumbing Economy....NOooooooooooooo

Okay, I can deal with the cut backs and saving money tips. I can even deal with the economy hitting the booze and porn industry. sad sad.

But not this, anything but this!!


seriously, you think screwing ppl out of 10 coookies will do any good? it will only make ppl angry. ANGRY I tells you!

anyways this is my most favorite vdo:

best quotes:
Oh Happy Halloween too, why don't you dress up like a son who cares.
No, I said she's a whore.
I don't love her, she's a whore.
Look at you, look at you, look at you!
Why can't you be like your brother, he from the clouds, god bring him down.

This takes the sting away a little from the sad sad Girl Scout cookie news. F'ing Commies. Is not America the home of the free and land of the brave and Girl Scout cookies?


Sweet Bjesus, someone get me a martini. STAT!

2009 Resolutions

  • must win lottery
  • simplify life
  • lose weight
  • create pickpocketing robot
  • pay off debt
  • save money
  • buy small village in a third world country
  • create an army of monkies
  • embark on more adventures (the good kind, not the kind that makes you scrub yourself extra hard in the shower while cowering and crying in the corner)

Most of the items for 2009 "to do" are contingent on the first bullet item. sad. By the way, why is there an actual article on Brad Pitt's faithfulness - it's been almost 4 years. I swear... Get over it.